Facility Name Facility Address State Postcode
Title Reference 8695/39506, 8695/39506, 8695/39506, 8695/39506, 8695/39506, 8695/39506, 8695/39506, 8695/39506 Ownership Freehold
Estimated Market Valuation




Is the Facility Trading at Maturity? No
If no, Date Maturity Expected No
No. of Months to Maturity No
Does the Assessment Include an Expansion? No
Portfolio Name

Historic Value Trend

Is the Facility Trading at Maturity? 500 Total No. of Units Occupied 420
If no, Date Maturity Expected 10.00 Average Unit Size Occupied 10.00
Adopt in Valuation Actual Actual / Passing Actual past 3- months Average Actual past 6- months Average Actual past 12- months Average
Total Net Storage Area (m2) 6,000.00 5,000.00 83.33% 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00
Area Occupied (m) 4,200.00 4,200.00 100% 4,166.67 4,183.33 4,191.67
Occupancy (by area) across entire NSA 90.00% 84.00% 93.33% 83.33% 83.67% 8.83%
Effective Storage Unit Average $117,000 $90,000 76.92% $89,000 $87,667 $86,500
Effective Average Storage Fee Rate (s/m) $21.67% 21.43% 98.90% $21.38 $20.97 $20.64
Annualized Average Storage Fee Rate (s/m) $260.00 $257.14 98.90% $256.57 $251.62 $247.72
Discount from Rack Rate -2.67% -3% -5% -7%
Other Income $6,158 $4,365 70.88% $4,581 $4,742 $4,602
Other Income % of Gross Revenue 5.00% 4.63% 92.51% 4.90% 5.13% 5.05%
Monthly Storage Revenue $123,158 $94,365 76.62% $93,581 $92,408 $91,102
Non- Storage Income $6,667 $1,667 25.00% WALE (Years) by Lettable Area 2.07
Total Gross Revenue $129,825 $96,032 73.97%
Annualized Total Revenue $1,557,895 $1,152,380 73.97%
Adopted Operating Expenses -$353,500
Adopted Management Fee -$109,053
Adopted Total Expenses -$462,553
Adopted Net Operating profit $1,095,342 Profit Margin 70.31%
Applied Capitalization Rate 5.50%
Core Indicative Market Value $19,915,311 $m2 NSA $3,319
Storage Revenue Stabilization Adjustment -$321,387
Non- Storage Income Rental Adjustment -$72,544
Capital Expenditure -$500,000
Value of Additional Areas $2,000,000
Other ‘below the line’ adjustment $1
Adjusted Indicative Value $21,021,381
Adopt Rounded Estimated Value $21,020,000 $m2 NSA $3,503
Needs Verification Optimization Review Recommended
Yes No