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Top Performing Zip Codes

S.No. Zip Revenue No. of Jumpers % of overall Jumpers % of Revenue
#1 2344 $345 12 45% 26%
#1 2344 $345 12 45% 26%
#1 2344 $345 12 45% 26%
#1 2344 $345 12 45% 26%
#1 2344 $345 12 45% 26%
#1 2344 $345 12 45% 26%
#1 2344 $345 12 45% 26%
#1 2344 $345 12 45% 26%
#1 2344 $345 12 45% 26%
#1 2344 $345 12 45% 26%
#1 2344 $345 12 45% 26%